Friday, January 16, 2015

Thoughts Every Awkward, Anxious Person Has

If you are anything like me, then you worry about some super weird things. From worrying of running over pedestrians to worrying over why your friend hugged everyone except you, sometimes you even laugh at yourself for worrying over such trifles. Here are just a few of my anxious, and sometimes weird, thoughts.

1. Did I flush the toilet? I really hope I did.

2. Oh no, did I lock the door? To walk back to the door or potentially be ravaged by a robber? Hmm, decisions, decisions.

3. Did I write my name on my test?

4. Why are they waving at me? I don't know them. Oh, no. They weren't waving at me.

5. Is someone walking across the cross-walk? No. Good, it's safe to drive. Crap, was there someone walking and I just didn't see them? I'll just look in the rear-view mirror just to make sure no one is lying dead in the road.

6. Did anyone just see me trip/fall? *Looks around*

Yeah, they definitely saw. Quick, act like nothing happened!

7. *On the first day of class* Did the teacher skip over my name or am I in the wrong class. Oh, no. I am not getting up if this is the wrong class. No one will know my shame.

8. Remember that time in middle school when you wrote that love letter to the guy, and he ignored it? Yeah, that's so embarrassing. Why did you even do that?

9. There is a police car behind you; quick, act normal. Don't do anything awkward.

10. *Hears noise in the middle of the night* Take cover! The end is nigh.

Photo/Gif Credits:

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