Friday, February 15, 2019

Fight Against Gravity

Photo Credit: Tiffany Conley

Yesterday began as any other day. My cat woke me up at 6 AM, whining and purring. I got ready and left to pick up my friend for work.  As I was walking down the stairs carrying multiple bags, lunch, and a cup, I thought It would suck if I fell right now. My foot apparently didn't get the whole message. Only hearing fell, my foot decided "Okay, if you say so." It was at that moment that my foot chose to slip from the stair, causing me to go tumbling down multiple stairs and landing hard on my bottom. Covered in water from the rain, soaked stairs and orange soda from my cup, I glanced over to see if my neighbors had seen this cringe induced moment, and to my dismay, I saw the shadow outline of a woman peeking through her blinds, curious to figure out the noise at 7 AM. That's when I knew it: Gravity was my nemesis.

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